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Why save for your retirement.

It doesn't cost you much.

For as little as 4% of your pay, you can start to save for your retirement.

Tesco matches what you save up to 7.5%

When you save, Tesco matches what you pay up to 7.5%. And you get tax savings too.

And it's flexible.

You can change the amount you save when you like, so you can pay more in if you want to boost your savings or pay less if your circumstances change.

We've designed a low cost lifestyle option.

To help your savings grow and help manage the risks of your investments we've designed an automatic lifestyle investment option so you don't have to choose how to invest your savings if you don't want to.

You may be able to start taking your money out of the Plan from age 55.

Some of it is tax free.

Protect your family.

When you're saving into the Plan there is additional life cover of 5x salary to provide extra care for your family if you die.

Why save now?

The sooner you start the better.

Starting early means you can save more and your savings have more time to potentially grow.

People live longer these days.

So your savings might need to last longer than you expect.

You may need more money in retirement than you think.

You could be missing out.You'd lose out on Tesco's contributions and investment returns on your savings.

Don't delay.

The longer you wait to save for your retirement, the more you may have to pay
later to try to catch up.



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Self-select Fund Factsheets

Please contact Baker Tilly Isle of Man on 01624 693900

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Lifestyle Option Factsheets

To download a factsheet click the link.