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Make the most of your savings

Your Tesco retirement savings are invested to help maximise how much money you have
for retirement.

How you choose to invest your savings can make a big difference to the amount you have
at retirement. You should therefore consider how your money is invested while it is in the

Your savings will be automatically invested in the Tesco Lifestyle Investment Options.
However if you'd prefer to choose your own investments you can do so from a range of
self-select funds.

Please see the Investment Guide (download it here) for more information.

The aim of the Tesco Lifestyle Investment Options

  • To get higher returns on your savings earlier in your life. The way  your savings are invested at this stage means the value of your account may go up and down a lot in the short term but this is when you're further from retirement so you have time to ride the ups and downs of the market (i.e. higher risk investments).
  • As you get nearer to the age you want to take your savings, your money is automatically moved into investments where you don't have such ups and downs so can be more certain about how much you'll get (i.e. lower risk investments).
  • It will assume you want to take your savings at age 65 and will automatically target this age when investing your money. However you can change this
    age by calling 01624 693 900 or email us by clicking here.
  • There are 3 Tesco Lifestyle Options to choose from, depending on how you want to take your savings when you retire.
  • Your savings will be automatically invested in the Tesco Lifestyle Cash Option as it will assume you plan to take your savings as cash when you retire. If you want to stay in this option you don't have to do anything.
  • If you choose to leave your money invested in the Tesco Lifestyle Cash Option, all of your savings need to be invested in that lifestyle option - you can't invest in this at the same time as other individual funds that you select yourself.

How the Tesco Lifestyle Investment Options work

The Tesco Lifestyle Investment Options have been developed to move your savings
automatically into investments that are appropriate to the number of years to your target
retirement age.

They have been designed to help grow your money at the right time and in the right
way while reducing the possible ups and downs in value as you approach your target
retirement age.

To do this, they have been divided into three different phases:


Why is setting your target retirement age important?

The Tesco Lifestyle Investment Options assume that you want to start taking your savings at age 65.

You can take your savings from age 55, if you are no longer employed by Tesco. But remember, the earlier you take your savings the longer they are likely to have to last.

Remember it's important you set a realistic target retirement age if you invest in the Tesco Lifestyle Investment Options, as your investments will be set to target that retirement age.

If your target retirement age is not up to date, you might not get the most out of the Tesco Lifestyle Investment Options. In addition, the information that we'll send to you may also be less accurate.

You can change your target retirement age at any time by contacting Baker Tilly Isle of Man.

What are my other choices?

You can also choose your own investments, from a range of individual funds that you select yourself.

However you can't be in a Tesco Lifestyle Investment Option and choose a range of individual funds - it has to be one or the other.

The Investment Guide (download it here) has more details and the Fund Factsheets (here) have information on what each of the individual funds are designed to do and how they have performed.

How do I change my investments?

You can print an Investment Switching Form here and send it to:

Baker Tilly Isle of Man
PO Box 95
2a Lord Street
Isle of Man
IM99 1HP

Please make sure you include your full name, date of birth, National Insurance number, and membership number on the letter. You can find your membership number on the letter which you would have received when you first joined.

Could my investment options change?

The Plan's investment options are reviewed regularly to check that they are performing in line with expectations.

If the Trustees decide it's in members' interests to change the investment options, they'll do so but will keep you informed.

How can I keep track of my savings?

Each year you'll receive a benefit statement that will show you estimates of how much you might receive at your target retirement age. It will also show details of:

  • The current value of your retirement savings in the Plan.
  • The investment fund(s) your savings are invested in.
  • The transfer value if you were to move your retirement savings in the Plan to another arrangement.
  • Total payments that have been made into your retirement savings during the previous 12 months.
  • Additionally, you can obtain details of your pension online by
    accessing the Baker Tilly Isle of Man Pension Portal website using this link.
    The online portal will allow you to view your pension details including your
    personal information, current and historic valuations and your contribution

Five years before

Review your Lifestyle option at least five years before retirement, to ensure your investments target how you'd like to take your savings.



To download a guide click the link.


Self-select Fund

Please contact Baker Tilly Isle of Man on 01624 693900

Or email by clicking here.


Lifestyle Option

To download a factsheet click the link.